Hardworking and detail-oriented seeking opportunities in video editing, sound design, or related media fields.

Background Video: My Cinematgraphy Reel

Interview B-Roll Style

Edited video by syncing provided footage and audio, then assembling into a cohesive narrative.

Staying Safe Online Mobile

Edited video by syncing footage and audio, adding sound effects, and creating composite animations to enhance the narrative.world.


Developed concept, script, storyboard, and shot-list; directed, lit, and filmed; edited, color corrected, and added sound/music to enhance the commercial and narrative.


Developed interview concept and questions; handled lighting, sound, and camerawork; edited with music, intro, and outro.

Motion Graphics Reel

individually edited/composited each video and carefully compiled them into a cohesive reel, focusing on smooth transitions, visual flow, and highlighting the best elements of each piece.

Lighting Exercise

Developed concept, script, storyboard, and shot-list; directed, lit, and filmed; edited, color corrected, and added sound/music to enhance the narrative.